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  4. Icelandic test for citizenship

Icelandic test for citizenship

Mímir - Símenntun manages registration and provides information about the Icelandic test for citizenship.

Registration for the test is online - Registration 
Icelandic test for applicants for citizenship: 

Held in spring in Reykjavík, Akureyri, Egilsstaðir and Ísafjörður. 
Held in autumn in Reykjavík and Akureyri.

Icelandic test for citizenship is held twice a year, in spring and in autumn. The test is at a level of basic education in Icelandic for foreigners/as a second language (240 hours), according to Menntamálaráðuneyti curriculum that corresponds to A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language: CEFR ). Here you can see a self-assessment grid for Icelandic. 

Applicant needs to be able to get by in Icelandic: 

  • in daily situations as in school, at work and in private life. 
  • In unexpected situations. 
  • to take part in discussions about familiar topics. 
  • to understand simple conversations between people. 
  • to read short texts in simple Icelandic about familiar topics. 
  • to write short texts in simple Icelandic about familiar topics. 
  • to distinguish main topics in broadcasting media, television and radio, when it is about familiar topics. 

The test is in four (4) parts: Listening, reading, writing and speaking. 

There is no scoring given after the test only that examinee has passed (staðist) or failed (EKKI staðist) the test. 

Example of test items

Applying for Icelandic citizenship?  Further information at www.utl.is